We would like to thank the Clay-Union Electric members for coming out to our Drive-thru Annual Meeting held Tuesday, April 13th in our parking lot. As a result, a quorum was established and the credential committee tallied the following results:
~Mike Slattery, District #3, Confirmed for Board Director
~Gary Glover, District #1, Confirmed for Board Director
~Christopher Kinney, District #2 Confirmed for Board Director
~The 2019 minutes and financial reports were approved
~The 2020 financial reports were approved
~Bylaw change #1 allowing the board of directors some flexibility in scheduling an annual meeting during special emergency situations passed.
~Bylaw change #2 establishing the guidance to be used when conducting meetings of the cooperative passed.
We enjoyed our visit with you and hope we will see you again soon.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the employees, board of directors and credential committee for your participation to make the event a success.